Generator Hub invite you Win € 10,000 in Climate-KIC’s ClimateLaunchpad

Join Europe’s largest clean-tech business idea competition

Does your business idea tackle climate change? And do you dream of becoming an entrepreneur? Join Climate-KIC’s ClimateLaunchpad, your ticket to European and global success. We offer you a rousing ride to starting your own business:

• 2-day business Boot Camp (June 27-28);

• 6 follow-up Coaching Sessions where you’ll learn to find your target markets and turn your idea into a business (July);

• a chance to pitch your idea in front of renowned national (August 8) and international juries (September).

Europe’s top-8 ideas win direct access to Climate-KIC Accelerator, the only EU business acceleration programme focused on cleantech commercialisation. The top-3 of the European Final win € 2,500 to € 10,000.

Check this inspiring for an impression of the 2014 edition.

Are you up for it?

You can apply if you have a business idea about sustainability and you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur. Your idea can be about an all-out mind shift in urban mobility, a sustainable transition in the food chain or any other way to tackle climate change. Even if your idea is still on the back of a napkin, you’re most welcome to join.

Enter now

Submit your idea today and let the games begin. Deadline for Applications – 15th of June

ClimateLaunchpad is a Climate-KIC programme.

Climate-KIC creates opportunities for innovators to address climate change and shape the world’s next economy.

Contact the National Leads for Moldova:

Maria Popova – ,

Valeria Svart-Gröger – , |

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